John Munro is a quiet, home body with nothing better to do with his time than to write and to fight a losing battle with his computer. He recently wrote the sitcom Call Me which is currently in development with the Comedy Unit. He is also working on Ye Gods and the action adventure ghost series, The Mystery Set (neither of which has been picked up yet). That said, one day John hopes to write full time and to laugh the whole live long day..

John Webster is happily married with two cats and one Audley. He likes to spend his days writing, drawing and generally harassing people on the internet. He is currently working with Mr Munro on various projects that are due to be shown on TV sometime around the 12th of Never. Fans of Mr Webster should check out Just don't mention parrots or cakes.

Mark Robert Mitchell is using his full name to distinguish him from all the other Mark Mitchells on the internet, but would appreciate being addressed as Mr Mitchell until you know him a bit better. He is currently moving from city to city in the UK sampling the "culture", but plans eventually to settle down and buy a houseboat. Offers of freelance illustration work and funny animal scripts can be sent to